About dani

Falling in love with the fitness industry at a young age


I used my creative and organisational skills to strategise effective fitness plans for my peers.

Seeing the incredible results of my friends made me even more passionate and I soon realised that fitness wasn’t just going to be a hobby for me, it was going to be my career.

After sports education, I spent the past eleven years perfecting every aspect of my training alongside people with different abilities, ages, and ailments. 

From my experience, I learned the importance of structure when training and how keeping consistent is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. That’s why, when training with me, you won’t just be learning exercises, you will develop the skills necessary to stay in a routine.

Changing people’s lives through fitness is an incredibly rewarding experience for me and if you too would like to be a better version of yourself, I’d love to hear from you.